Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance Scholarship
Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance Scholarship |
Mesothelioma most commonly attacks the mesothelium of the lungs (called pleural mesothelioma) and the chest wall. Another type of mesothelioma less commonly encountered is peritoneal mesothelioma, which attacks the mesothelium of the abdominal cavity. Mesothelioma is different from benign mesothelioma in the chest which is also called solitary fibrous tumor.
Causes of M esothelioma
Cancer that attacks organs begins from cell mutations that cause the growth to become uncontrolled until then doubled. Experts still can not confirm the cause of these cell mutations. However, the interaction between lifestyle, derivative and environmental conditions is alleged to be a factor that triggers cancer.
Although the exact cause of mesothelioma is unknown, the major risk factor of mesothelioma is asbestos. This disease is rarely encountered before the commercial use of asbestos begins. Asbestos is a mineral used as a material for making brakes, floors, roofs, and insulation.
Asbestos dust is inhaled or swallowed will accumulate in the lungs and abdomen for a long time, usually about 20-50 years, before it eventually develops into mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is also more commonly diagnosed in men than in women, and in people over the age of 65 years.
Some other factors that can trigger this disease, namely:
An environment where the soil contains asbestos. Living in an area or living with someone who has work related to
exposure to Asbestos can stick also in skin and clothing so as to bring
asbestos into the home or other environment. Ever exposed asbestos or have family members who suffer from mesothelioma. Symptoms of M esothelioma, Symptoms of mesothelioma may vary based on where the cancer cells are
located. Pericardial mesothelioma may cause chest pain and difficulty
breathing, while mesothelioma tunica vaginalis will show symptoms of
swelling of the testicles.
Pleural mesothelioma has the following symptoms:
Cough accompanied by unbearable pain. Shortness of breath due to the buildup of fluid in the chest.
An unhealthy lump on the tissue behind the breast skin. Weight loss for no apparent reason. Often overwhelmed by excessive fatigue. Fever accompanied by sweat especially at night. Swollen fingertips. Chest pain that feels under the ribs.
Peritoneal mesothelioma has the following symptoms:
Pain in the abdominal area. There is a lump in the abdominal tissue. Swelling in the abdominal area. Weight loss without cause. Diarrhea or constipation.
Given the symptoms of mesothelioma are not specific and can be
associated with other conditions, then you should see your doctor
immediately feel the symptoms above, especially if there is a history of
exposure to asbestos.
Diagnosis of M esothelioma
The examination will begin with anamnesa about the symptoms suffered,
personal and family medical history. Anamnesa is a conversation
performed by the doctor to the patient directly as a way to get data
about the condition and medical problems that are being experienced by
the patient. In addition to anamnesa, the doctor will perform a physical
examination to check for lumps or other abnormal signs.
Furthermore, the doctor may instruct the investigation to be performed
as part of the effort to diagnose the disease. Common checks are
performed to diagnose mesothelioma, among other X-rays to check if there
are chest disorders and CT scan to check the chest and abdominal area.